Agreement No
Category Regional and local roads Energy efficiency, co-generation (CHP), energy management Biomass renewable energy Hydroelectric, geothermal and other renewable energy Solar renewable energy Wind renewable energy Management and distribution of drinking water Municipal and industrial waste management R & TD infrastructure (including equipment, instrumentation and fast compute.... Housing infrastructure Health care infrastructure Education system infrastructure Telecommunications infrastructure (including broadband networks) Other support for improving tourist services Other measures to encourage research, innovation and entrepreneurship in SMEs Other measures to improve SMEs' access to ICT and its efficient usage Other measures for environmental protection hazard prevention Other investments in enterprises Other support to improve cultural services Intelligent transport systems Investment in enterprises directly involved with research and innovation (innova.... Rail The protection and valorisation of natural heritage The protection and preservation of cultural heritage Sewage water treatment Airports Other social infrastructure Promotion of biodiversity and nature protection (including NATURA 2000) Partnerships, pacts and initiatives promotion through networking of relevant sta.... Promotion of natural assets Revalorisation of the industrial areas and reclamation of contaminated land Solutions to enhance quality of development, monitoring and evaluation of polici.... Cultural infrastructure development Bicycle paths Rolling stock Information and communication technologies (access, security, interoperability, .... Technology transfer and improvement of cooperation networks between SMEs, betwee.... City transport Services and applications for citizens (e-health, e-administration, e-learning, .... Advanced support services for companies and groups of businesses Support for SMEs in terms of promotion of environmentally friendly products and .... Support for R & TD, particularly for SMEs (including access to services rela.... Hazard prevention (including the drafting and implementation of plans and measur.... Integrated urban/rural areas revitalization projects
Axis I. Entrepreneurship and innovation II. Economic infrastructure III. The attractiveness of urban areas and investment areas IV. The information society V. Transport VI. The environment and clean energy VII. Culture, tourism and interregional cooperation VIII. Social infrastructure IX. Support
Action 1.1. Subsidies for start-up micro-enterprises 1.2. Investment subsidies for micro-enterprises 1.3. Investment subsidies for small and medium-sized enterprises 1.4. Investment subsidies for enterprises to adapt to the requirements of environmental protection and renewable energy sources 1.5. Investment subsidies in the field of tourism 1.6. Research and modern technologies in strategic areas of the region 1.7. The increase in competitiveness of enterprises through consultancy 2.1. Loan and guarantee instruments for enterprises 2.1.1. The recapitalization and the creation of loan funds 2.1.2. The recapitalization and the creation of credit guarantee funds 2.2. Regional R&D infrastructure 2.3. The support of institutions related with the business environment and knowledge transfer 2.4. Business marketing 3.1. The development of investment areas 3.2. The revitalisation of degraded urban areas 4.1. The information society 5.1. The regional transport system 5.2. The local transport system 5.3. Urban public transport 5.4. Rail transport 5.5. Air transport 6.1. Environmental protection and management 6.2. Environmentally-friendly energy 7.1. Culture and tourism infrastructure 7.2. Promotion of culture and tourism 7.3 Interregional cooperation 8.1. The educational and social infrastructure of higher education institutions 8.2. The school and sports infrastructure 8.3. Health protection 8.4. Social assistance 9.1. Support the implementation of the RPO 9.2. Information and publicity RPO
District district bialski district biłgorajski district chełmski district hrubieszowski district janowski district kraśnicki district krasnostawski district lubartowski district lubelski district łęczyński district łukowski district c. Biała Podlaska district c. Chełm district c. Lublin district c. Zamość district opolski district parczewski district puławski district radzyński district rycki district świdnicki district tomaszowski district włodawski district zamojski
Commune Abramów Adamów Adamów Aleksandrów Annopol Baranów Batorz Bełżec Bełżyce Biała Podlaska Białopole Biłgoraj Biłgoraj - city Biszcza Borki Borzechów Bychawa Chełm Chodel Chrzanów Cyców Czemierniki Dęblin Dębowa Kłoda Dołhobyczów Dorohusk Drelów Dubienka Dzierzkowice Dzwola Fajsławice Firlej Frampol Garbów Głusk Godziszów Goraj Gorzków Gościeradów Grabowiec Hanna Hańsk Horodło Hrubieszów Hrubieszów - city Izbica Jabłoń Jabłonna Janów Lubelski Janów Podlaski Janowiec Jarczów Jastków Jeziorzany Józefów Józefów nad Wisłą Kąkolewnica Wschodnia Kamień Kamionka Karczmiska Kazimierz Dolny Kłoczew Kock Kodeń Komarów-Osada Komarówka Podlaska Konopnica Końskowola Konstantynów Kraśniczyn Kraśnik Kraśnik - city Krasnobród Krasnystaw Krasnystaw - city Krynice Krzczonów Krzywda Księżpol Kurów Leśna Podlaska Leśniowice Lubartów Lubartów - city Lubycza Królewska Ludwin Łabunie Łaszczów Łaziska Łęczna Łomazy Łopiennik Górny Łuków Łuków - city Łukowa City Biała Podlaska City Chełm City Lublin City Zamość Markuszów Mełgiew Miączyn Michów Międzyrzec Podlaski Międzyrzec Podlaski - city Milanów Milejów Mircze Modliborzyce Nałęczów Niedrzwica Duża Niedźwiada Nielisz Niemce Nowodwór Obsza Opole Lubelskie Ostrów Lubelski Ostrówek Parczew Piaski Piszczac Podedwórze Poniatowa Potok Górny Potok Wielki Puchaczów Puławy Puławy - city Rachanie Radecznica Radzyń Podlaski Radzyń Podlaski - city Rejowiec Rejowiec Fabryczny Rejowiec Fabryczny - city Rokitno Rossosz Ruda-Huta Rudnik Rybczewice Ryki Sawin Serniki Serokomla Siedliszcze Siemień Siennica Różana Sitno Skierbieszów Sławatycze Sosnowica Sosnówka Spiczyn Stanin Stary Brus Stary Zamość Stężyca Stoczek Łukowski Stoczek Łukowski - city Strzyżewice Sułów Susiec Świdnik Szastarka Szczebrzeszyn Tarnawatka Tarnogród Telatyn Terespol Terespol - city Tereszpol Tomaszów Lubelski Tomaszów Lubelski - city Trawniki Trzebieszów Trzeszczany Trzydnik Duży Tuczna Turobin Tyszowce Uchanie Ulan-Majorat Ulhówek Ułęż Urszulin Urzędów Uścimów Wąwolnica Werbkowice Wierzbica Wilkołaz Wilków Wisznice Włodawa Włodawa - city Wohyń Wojciechów Wojcieszków Wojsławice Wola Mysłowska Wola Uhruska Wólka Wyryki Wysokie Zakrzew Zakrzówek Zalesie Zamość Żmudź Żółkiewka Zwierzyniec Żyrzyn
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